小型犬往往比大型犬長壽。小型和玩具犬只有在10 歲左右時才會成為“老犬”,大型犬 7 歲已步入老犬期。



對羥基苯甲酸酯 (paraben) 及其相關化學品通常存在於寵物洗毛水中以延長保質期,但它們可能會引致寵物和人類的過敏性接觸性皮炎。


– Will Rogers


- Ellen Perry Berkeley

“動物是非常可親的朋友 - 牠們不問問題;也不作任何批評。”

– George Eliot


─ Mark Twain



– Josh Billings


主食糧是那些添加了維他命和礦物質的食糧。副食糧是那些沒添加維他命和礦物質的食糧,通常會標籤為 "補充餵飼的食物" (supplementary feeding)。


- 佚名


狗狗每周需要至少刷牙 3 次,才能保持良好的牙齒健康,應儘早訓練您的狗狗接受刷牙。







– Roger Caras


- Terry Pratchett


冷凍乾燥是一個生產過程,涉及冷凍產品,降壓,然後通過昇華去除冰粒以至除去水份。 相比之下,傳統的乾燥法使用熱量來去除水分。


– Anatole France


有些防腐劑,例如乙氧基喹啉 (Ethoxyquin) 和 丁基羥基茴香醚 (BHA),已在人類食物中禁止使用,在選擇寵物食品時也要避免它們。


亞麻籽油和魚油都提供 omega-3 必需脂肪酸 (EFA)。 亞麻籽油含有的 ALA,屬於非活性的  omega-3 EFA,必須在動物身體內轉化為 EPA 和 DHA,即活性 omega-3 EFA,才會發揮功效。

Wise Pet 優質寵物用品店,售賣多種正貨天然貓糧,狗糧,貓狗用品等。在 Wise Pet 購物有多重優惠 (請參考優惠專頁)。大部份香港地區$400 以上免費送貨,$400以下送貨費請參考送貨安排。庫存會以電郵或電話確認,2-4 個工作天內送貨。

嚴正聲明:本公司叫 Wise Pet,成立於2003年,售賣高級寵物用品為主。近年有公司以「Wise Pet 寵物士多」為名,在其他購物平台售賣產品,本公司與該公司沒有任何關係。該公司出售產品有任何問題,請直接聯絡該公司追討。

Premier 頸 帶

Out of stock

CO-002A    細碼(橙色)    HK$80.00    HK$40.00

Only %1 left
Premier 頸帶有特別的設計,頸帶有兩個環,大的環可以寬鬆的套在頸上,令狗狗帶得舒適,拖帶即扣在小環上的D形金屬圈上。當狗狗受驚想掙脫頸帶時,拖帶上的壓力會令大環自動收緊,以防頸圈脫落。Premier 頸帶比一般帶釦頸圈好用,因為不用索緊頸部令皮膚磨損。頸帶只會有限度收緊,所以亦比窒息形頸帶安全。有特大、大、中、細碼選擇。

1. Safer Than a Choke
2. Better Than a Buckle
3. The looser fit reduces matting and bald spots
4. Reduces the risk of "backing out" and escaping

Better Than a Buckle

When a standard buckle collar is adjusted for the comfort of your dog, many breeds can "back out" and escape if suddenly frightened - leading to potential injury or loss of your pet.  If fitted tightly, a buckle collar is often uncomfortable to wear and can mat his coat or produce bald spots from rubbing.

Safer Than a Choke

When pulled, a choke collar continues to tighten around your dog's neck, restricting both breathing and blood supply.  Choke collars can cause injuries when used improperly.  Choke collars should not be left on your dog when not in use with a leash.


Size Width Length
Small 3/4" 8"-12"
Medium 3/4" 10"-16"
Large 1" 14"-20"
X-Large 1" 18"-28"

Once you've selected the proper size, simply place the larger loop over your dog's head.  Adjust to fit by pushing the nylon through the slide.  When tightened with a leash or by grasping the small nylon loop like a handle, the two metal rings should touch directly behind your dog's ears. Attach tags to these rings rather than the D-ring.  The small nylon loop will lie flat after a few days of wear.


What is a martingale collar?

A martingale collar is a special type of collar.  The collar is made with two loops. The large loop is placed around the dog's neck and adjusted to fit loosely.  The leash is attached to the D ring on the small loop.  When the dog tries to back out of the collar, the tension on the leash pulls the small loop, making the large loop tighter and avoiding escape from the collar.  When not pulled, the collar will rest loosely around the dog's neck.  The collar should be properly adjusted so that even if the large loop tightens, it will not choke your dog.  Martingale collar is safer than choke collar and buckle collar.  It is recommended by many vets and dog trainers. 

Remarks:  We do not recommend leaving any collar on 24 hours a day especially when the dog is not supervised by their guardians.

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