

- 佚名




─ Mark Twain


- Ellen Perry Berkeley




- Terry Pratchett

狗狗每周需要至少刷牙 3 次,才能保持良好的牙齒健康,應儘早訓練您的狗狗接受刷牙。

主食糧是那些添加了維他命和礦物質的食糧。副食糧是那些沒添加維他命和礦物質的食糧,通常會標籤為 "補充餵飼的食物" (supplementary feeding)。


– Anatole France


– Roger Caras

有些防腐劑,例如乙氧基喹啉 (Ethoxyquin) 和 丁基羥基茴香醚 (BHA),已在人類食物中禁止使用,在選擇寵物食品時也要避免它們。


– Will Rogers


小型犬往往比大型犬長壽。小型和玩具犬只有在10 歲左右時才會成為“老犬”,大型犬 7 歲已步入老犬期。


“動物是非常可親的朋友 - 牠們不問問題;也不作任何批評。”

– George Eliot


對羥基苯甲酸酯 (paraben) 及其相關化學品通常存在於寵物洗毛水中以延長保質期,但它們可能會引致寵物和人類的過敏性接觸性皮炎。



亞麻籽油和魚油都提供 omega-3 必需脂肪酸 (EFA)。 亞麻籽油含有的 ALA,屬於非活性的  omega-3 EFA,必須在動物身體內轉化為 EPA 和 DHA,即活性 omega-3 EFA,才會發揮功效。


冷凍乾燥是一個生產過程,涉及冷凍產品,降壓,然後通過昇華去除冰粒以至除去水份。 相比之下,傳統的乾燥法使用熱量來去除水分。



– Josh Billings


Wise Pet 優質寵物用品店,售賣多種正貨天然貓糧,狗糧,貓狗用品等。在 Wise Pet 購物有多重優惠 (請參考優惠專頁)。大部份香港地區$400 以上免費送貨,$400以下送貨費請參考送貨安排。庫存會以電郵或電話確認,2-4 個工作天內送貨。

嚴正聲明:本公司叫 Wise Pet,成立於2003年,售賣高級寵物用品為主。近年有公司以「Wise Pet 寵物士多」為名,在其他購物平台售賣產品,本公司與該公司沒有任何關係。該公司出售產品有任何問題,請直接聯絡該公司追討。

Kong 經典耐咬玩具

In stock

DT-035A    加細    HK$70.00

DT-035B       HK$76.00

DT-035C       HK$100.00

DT-035D       HK$120.00

DT-035E    加大    HK$178.00

Only %1 left
As low as HK$70.00
三十六來,KONG 紅色耐咬玩具是玩具界的黄金標準。超彈性的紅色橡膠適合喜歡咀嚼的狗狗。可內藏零食吸引狗狗,令牠們快樂的咬嚼長時間,減少苦悶和破壞。


Kong size chart



Size (in inch):

XS  2.2 x 1.4 x 1.4

S  3 x 1.8 x 1.8

M 3.5 x 2.2 x 2.2

L 4 x 2.8 x 2.8

XL 5 x 3.5 x 3.5


Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety typically occurs in the first 20 minutes after you leave a dog alone. A simple solution is to help the dog develop a positive association between being left alone and good things, like a treat-stuffed KONG. Stuffing a KONG toy with a mix of wet and dry ingredients creates a challenge that typically lasts 20 minutes, engaging dogs during the time when anxiety is at its peak. A KONG can even be frozen so that getting all the food out takes even more time.



For adult dogs, chewing is nature’s way of keeping jaws strong and teeth clean. Chewing also combats boredom and can relieve anxiety or frustration. Without an acceptable outlet for the natural instinct to chew, many dogs will turn to destructive chewing in the home. Success comes when teaching dogs acceptable chewing behaviors from the start. KONG toys come in a variety of formulas from puppy to adult to senior, so they can grow with your dog. For all dogs—regardless of chewing temperament—supervise play until you’re confident the dog won’t destroy the toy. Be sure to replace any toy with cuts, tears or rips.


Barking and Digging

Dogs bark to communicate and dig when bored or afraid. Creating good behaviors start with productive play, which allows dogs to expend excess energy. Every time you throw a KONG toy, the unpredictable bounce ensures no two games are ever the same, keeping the dog engaged and excited for more. A stuffed KONG is also helpful for a dog left outside to play. Directing their energy toward something positive, like working for the food inside the toy, diminishes bad behaviors.


Crate training

Crate training is an effective way to house train a puppy or new dog. In this critical time, you can help relax your dog with a treat-stuffed KONG to create a positive association with the crate. Start a dog’s crate training by stuffing a KONG toy with a favorite treat. Let the dog see and smell the stuffed toy, then place the KONG in the back of the crate leaving the door open. As the dog chews on the KONG inside the crate, they begin to feel more comfortable and create a positive association with the crate. Repeat this until their dog is happy to settle in the crate on their own.

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